Credit card is getting more common to use these days. From shopping your daily needs to purchasing something lavish credit card is one payment method that many people use.
Besides the payment becomes easier, with credit card they can also get a chance to get cashback, discounts, or any other beneficial promos.
As a UOB customer, you can also apply for credit card. Yet, you cannot directly use it for shopping if you haven’t activated it.
Hence, you should activate the card first by performing these how to activate UOB credit card procedure, which will be explained below.
How to Activate UOB Credit Card
First of all, to apply for a UOB credit card, you can either do it directly in the bank. It means you do the whole process of setting up a card for you with the help of customer service or doing it online.
The latter provides easy and quick application as you don’t need to travel to the nearest bank just to set the card.
However, as aforementioned, you cannot just use the card right after you get the card.
Activating the card is done privately since no officers will be in service to activate it. You’re the only one in charge to make the card effective.
Why is this step required to do? According to the official website of UOB, this activation process is carried out as a form of security measure.
So, how to activate UOB credit card? It is relatively easy and you can do it by picking one from these methods below.
1. Activate UOB Credit Card via SMS
Very easy activation can be performed by typing several letters and numbers only. Send ACTVC<space>last 4 digits of the given card number. Then, send the SMS to 71423. Remember, you might be charged with the SMS fee.
E.g. ACTVC 4321 send to 71423
2. Activate UOB Credit Card Online (via website)
Another simple activation method is by visiting the UOB card activation page (
There you can see two blank boxes that you should fill in using your credit card number (or debit card, if you are going to activate your debit card), and the verification code. Proceed by clicking continue and follow the given instructions.
Note that:
- You should have a valid phone number since an OTP SMS will be sent to the number you’ve registered.
- Avoid accessing the website from 3AM – 4AM since that’s the time for website maintenance. You may risk ruining the process.
3. Activate UOB Credit Card using Mighty App
If you’ve been a user of UOB Mighty app, chance you’ve acknowledged the process of activating a card. It’s not that tricky at all that even a kid can do it.
- First, access the app on your phone.
- Simply log in by using your valid username and password. If you don’t have your username and password, you should register it beforehand. You can use 3 options Login to your account, Can with Write Your Username and Password / Fingerprint ID / Face ID.
- After logging in to your account, find Account Services and later choose Manage Cards.
- Choose the credit card you wish to activate. Enter the new PIN, and put the identical PIN to confirm it.
- Finalize the process by clicking Turn on Notifications
- Check the data you’ve just input. After all processes are completed, simply click on Authorize and the activation process is finished.
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Whichever method of how to activate UOB credit card, it will surely help you to make the card becomes effective. So, which one is your favorite?